I had just come in from taking care of the animals. I walked down the hallway and called to Janae,"The dogs are eating one of your mandibles!" And then I stopped and thought, now there's a sentence you won't hear very often.
Janae collects old bones as we go on our hikes. She has several mandibles (or jaw bones if you prefer) and a couple of sculls, I think sheep and cow. "What is she going to do with these?", you might ask. Draw them, for one thing. And she just likes them for some reason. What? Doesn't everyone have a child that collects old bones? Well, you should.
A few years ago when Lisa was in high school, she went into her seminary class and announced to her teacher, "I feel so lethargic today." He laughed at her and said, "Lethargic? Lethargic?" Yes, she knew what it meant and it described her mood perfectly. Yes, we use words like mandible and lethargic and plethora and pugnacious in our family all the time. Maybe it comes from me being a librarian. Or maybe we are just weird.
Lisa and Todd are here visiting. They came last night. We are going to celebrate the joint birthdays this evening, Eric's and Janae's. Eric and family will be here this afternoon. I don't know when we will be able to get together again. We will have to schedule around four different school schedules, five different work schedules, and two in-law families that we share our kids with. It's hard to get together as much as I would like, but it makes the times we are together really (dare I say it?) uhmm special.
I'm feeling unloved at the moment. I checked on my blogsite and I have NO followers. How can this be? People tell me they read my blog, but I HAVE NO FOLLOWERS!!! Sigh, sniffle, sob!
5 years ago
Thank you, Todd. Nothing like a big guilt trip from your mother-in-law to get things going.