Yesterday, Jim and I went in to have our final evaluation for our Y-Be-Fit program. I was kind of excited to see how we had done. Truthfully, we didn't really embrace the program until after our High Uintah's backpacking trip. We kind of watched what we ate some of the time. We kind of thought about cardio exercising. We didn't do anything about strength training. But after that trip, I caught the "vision". I made the trip okay, without dying or having a major fibro episode, but I saw how far I really needed to go for me to be where I wanted to be.
So, yesterday we had to go in without eating so we could repeat the tests we had three months ago. I won't put in Jim's numbers. I haven't asked him if I could do it. He probably wouldn't care. Let's just say that he improved greatly, especially with blood pressure, heart rate and strength. And I will add that his pants are getting baggy on him. So here are my numbers.
Weight: 175.9 to 166.0
Blood Pressure: 110/85 to 110/78
Lost 1 1/2" off my waist
Lost 1 1/2" off my hips
Bench Press: 40 to 63 (I'm a wimp, but at least I improved)
Leg Press: 140 to 180
Increased flexibility by 4"
None of this probably means much to anybody else, but I'm proud of myself. But I think of what I could have accomplished if I hadn't messed around for the first two months.
We are setting more goals for ourselves. BYU has a wellness program that has all kinds of aspects to it. One is the challenges they have about 6 times a year. We will start when the new challenge starts. I don't know what it will be. Right now it is something like committing to exercise at least three times a week for at least 20 minutes each time. I already do more than that, but these challenges will give me some goals to shoot for. Plus, the insurance company gives you money if you complete these programs. We each will get $100 for completing the YBF program. We didn't know that. Bonus! I am continuing to do my cardio 6 times/week for 30 minutes each time, strength training 3 times/week and eating healthy. My next weight goal is to lose 10 lbs by the end of November. That means I have to go through Thanksgiving first. Each pound I lose is a struggle. It would almost be easier to cut myself open and dig the fat out myself. So here is where I'm supposed to say that the weight doesn't matter, it's being healthy that counts. Being healthy is the most important, but the weight matters to me almost as much. So I'm shallow.
5 years ago
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