It doesn't matter how you feel, life goes on. Thanks everyone for your concern. I'm doing okay, this is just one of those things I have to deal with, sometimes not very gracefully. I'm one of the lucky ones, though. Some people are totally dibilitated by their fibro and CFS. And it's not life threatening, so I am extremely lucky.
Thursday, Eric and Angela came to visit, bringing the most beautiful baby in the world with them. Here he is with my expensive baby toys, aka bottle rings.
Adam looking out of the play house window.
Saturday our family hiked to Timpanogos Cave. We were all going to go, but Kristine got sick and so we abandoned her at home and went without her. We really missed having her with us. Here are some pictures of the rest of us.
Jim and I. I think the camera adds more than 10 lbs. We didn't have any problem with the climb, so we must be doing something right with our eating and exercising.
Eric, Angela and Adam. Eric was great, carrying Adam the whole way up. Angela carried him down, which wasn't easy either.
Todd and Lisa.
Kristine, she wasn't there but I didn't want to leave her out.

Miss Janae.
The cousins, Kim, Jaime and Whitney. I stole this picture from Whitney's album, so it's small and I don't know how to make it bigger.
Here are some other pictures of the hike.

Lisa was our tour guide, because she had the pamphlet from the visitor's center.

The whole group on the trail.

We all made it to the top, some had a struggle.

Jim and Ranger Deb and the cave entrance.

Cave formations.

The St. Bernard

The salt and pepper shakers. They don't let people touch these anymore. Apparently, someone broke some of the formation off and messed things up for the rest of us.
Snacking before we head down the trail.
So what do you do after you hike to Timp Cave. Of course, we stopped at the Purple Turtle and had ice cream. It was well deserved.
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