We are in Kansas City for the National Piano Technician's Convention. The girls and I are just flitting about while Jim attends this convention. We have relatives here that we hope to see tomorrow and today we are going to see the Church sites: Independence, Liberty Jail, Far West and Adam-ondi-Ahman. We have been here twice before and have seen these things, but we like to go and feel the spirit of our heritage.
We are also proud of Jim for receiving a national award at the convention on Wednesday. Here is their write-up and picture.
James Busby, RPT
Our first Member of Note award goes to Jim Busby, RPT, of the Utah Valley Chapter, for advancing our profession by teaching and training at chapter meetings from Alaska to Boston, at regional conventions, and in his apprenticeship program at Brigham Young University. Many can become experts in their field, but not everyone can turn around and teach their skills to others. Using damper action models he made himself, Jim has become known for his instructive classes on upright hammer hanging, grand dampers, tools and tips.
In addition to teaching and mentoring others, Jim Busby has served on the Institute Committee and also the College and University Technicians Committee, as well as in several capacities at the chapter level. His work with apprentices at BYU funnels many vibrant RPT members into the Utah Valley Chapter. Jim’s willingness to give back at every level of the organization has been a marvelous resource for The Piano Technicians Guild.
James Arthur Busby, on behalf of the members of the Piano Technicians Guild, we thank you for your continuing service and present to you a Crowl-Travis Member of Note Award.
Yay! That's wonderful!