For those of you who are not familiar with North Sanpete High School and its junior prom, here is a short version of how it goes.
Junior Prom is held early in the season and lasts for two nights. The first night is boys choice and the second night is girls choice. But it doesn't matter if you have a date or not. You can go to prom. All the juniors who want to can participate in the promenade. They are all paired off according to height. It doesn't matter who your date is, you are paired with an escort. You and your escort are introduced individually and then after everyone has been introduced, the class promenades. They walk all over in formation so everyone gets to see all the kids. Did I mention that the whole town goes and pays money to watch this? After the promenade the juniors get to dance with their parents. Then after the dance the "outsiders" are expected to leave and the kids have their traditional dance. This happens both nights.
It actually works really well. Speaking as a girl who didn't get asked to her own prom point of view, it's nice that all who want to can go.
Janae and her escort being introduced.
During the promenade. I loved all the colors in the dresses this year.
After the promenade is the parent's dance. Janae's dad was in San Francisco at a convention so she was joined by some very handsome men for this portion of the dance.
The first night she danced with Adam, who you can see is extremely light on his feet and excellent at dipping.
And she also danced with her handsome brother, Eric.
Second night, her handsome brother-in-law, Todd.
Nathan and Janae
Riley, Alinea, Nathan and Janae. And yes, I tell them that Jesus is going on their date with them.
Nathan and Janae
Alinea and Janae.
A good time was had by all. Now I don't know what to do with all my time now that I don't have a prom dress to sew.